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Thursday, August 23, 2007

Sex Tip #10: Nipple Flashing for Fun and Profit!

i'm a feminist and all that, but i'm also sensible. we live in an anti-woman society. we get paid 71% of what men do [5 years ago it was all the way up to 72% so it's going down!], and we are biologically at greater risk of STIs than boys.

i had a long msn chat conversation with a gal friend recently who's a MILF with a 15-ish year old son, whose friends turn her on. we talked alot about how to feel erotic about playing a MILF for the friends [one in particular] without having to go and have sex with the boy. and i told her what i do with my blouses and bras sometimes.

i brought it up in an email exchange with a new online bud tonight when i mentioned that i'm staying with buddy rent-free this summer in exchange for sex. which i guess makes me a prostitute. but then he's not some smelly geek. he's buddy from many postings last summer. my vancouver boytoy. good relationship. friend with lots of benefits but an open relationship. quite healthy actually. and if two people live together and one doesn't work [even a wife/husband], doesn't that person participate in a relationship [including fucking] for "rent." here's what i wrote in my emails:

"i am finding young boys to buy me drinks as my summer wad of cash is almost gone and my flight back to school isn't for another week and a bit. not hard. put on a loose fitting top, do up my bra one clasp too big and i get all the belinis i want all night."

and what do the guys get for a $6 belini or two, a relatively cheap peep show, that frankly is 30-90 minutes of the tease of trying to see nipple, getting to glance down my top quite a bit and maybe not even being lucky enough to see a nipple. and they like to talk with girls and buying us a drink lets them do it for a while. and while most of them aren't interesting enough to date, they're all [ok virtually all] interesting enough as PEOPLE to have a conversation with. and if they like to look at my chest, i feel erotic. nice deal all around. but a $6 belini [or even 2 or 4] doesn't get a random boy a fuck, a blowjob or a handjob. even hookers charge way more than that.

so in my emails tonight, my new online buddy replied how i make "slutty-chic look easy" and that he wished he could fuck for rent sometimes.

this is where i hit my brainstorm in my reply...

"guys CAN fuck for rent. they just have to change society, get rid of chauvinism, pay women 100% of what men make not 72% and then they get EQUALITY! men's suffragettes need to get active. you are an oppressed gender. time to heal society so you get what we get. and i'm hardly chic. i TRY but i dont have the fashion sense to pull it off. letting guys peek at my breasts in hopes of seeing a nipple requires NO chic whatsoever."

that's my genius wisdom tonight. it's not often that girls have the upper hand at anything. i get "free" room and "free" drinks all summer. many different types of feminism object to these methods and i totally understand their arguments. i can't even object to them and prove them wrong. all i can say is that while things are unequal, i have the right to seek some redress sometimes.

and if you like the braless sex tip last time, this one should fit right in. :)

in touch,
Sex Tips for Christian Girls


Anonymous said...

Very good Holly.

I tried to reply to your note on Facebook, but your profile has gone.

Just wanted to let you know that I know Naomi.......

Anonymous said...

ya i know its gone. the fuckers. thats the second i.d. they disabled cuz of spam.

if i reply to too many people inside an hour i get nuked.

total bullshit. i'm sure its just an automated thing and no human decided it was bad.

i hate that fucking place. not going back in.

Anonymous said...

Ah, righto.

Maybe you shouldnt leave your blog addy on the bottom?

I was gonna add you as a friend as well.

Have you spoken to Naomi lately?

Anonymous said...

Too bad about your facebook.

You do have to do what you have to do.

Anonymous said...

truth. they're bastards.

OrWell Kane said...

Thanks for the camel toe. I'd thank you on facebook, but you vanished again. I probably won't check here again for a reply, but send me a message when you get back on Facebook.

Anonymous said...

thanks scott,

but in case you do pop back in here, i won't be going back to the facebook gulag.

too much bullshit control. lame.

in touch,

Jay a.k.a. 'Dat' said...

this was interesting, so this IS proof that women DO do it on purpose lol... but hey holly, nice to meet you, its jay. i hate facebook too! but thanks for actually hitting up my blog and linking up with me...


Anonymous said...

yes, i'd like to like facebook but they keep fucking with me. it beats myspace but oh well.

and yes, we do do it intentionally. but i think most of the time not so much. :)

in touch,