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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

News from Chinese Earthquake Survivor Stories

my gf tina is a doll. her little sis is a dollface. she's also a sentimental, kittens are proof that god loves us, kinda girl. not naive, but open-hearted.

i don't mock the stuff she emails. tho sometimes i do reply with some good-humoured snark.

but this week she's been sending this stuff about survivor stories from China's earthquake last week.

and they're killing me. so i share the three most amazing with you. no sex. no tips. no christian girls [as far as i know].

i hope these kill you too. in the good way.

1. a baby is found alive beside its mother who died. in the blanket with the baby is a cel phone. on it is a text message saying to tell my baby that i love her.

2. a man with about 2% vision is rescued after a couple days. massive injuries, head bonk. wakes up and can't see but has almost 20% sight. whether it will last, they don't know. he's ecstatic to be alive, but his ability to see light better continually moves him to tears.

3. a still breast-feeding woman survives the earthquake, but her baby doesn't. but with all the orphans, she is nursing 6 of them.

when it gets to a point in life where i cannot imagine how i would feel/cope in a situation because it is too profoundly unimaginable. i fall speechless. when i'm not crying.

i just have no words.

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