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Sunday, April 08, 2007

Adultery R Us

Ok, so adultery is a sin. I get it. The ten commandments are "carved in stone" and all that, but we need to get over a few things.

One. People's lives are flux. Marriages come and go. We can pretend this is not happening but that just makes us blind and stupid. Good things are people who need to split, to split.

That said, it's time for a confession. I slept with a married man once. OK, three times, but it was one affair. This all comes up cuz a bud on myspace filled out a survey. one of the questions was about what she'd do if a married guy approached her. she said she'd tell him to buzz off, etc.

That's cool. To each their own, eh.

So contextually, all adultery is wrong? It's not perfect, i'll grant that. but i'll also say in a context it can be healthy. let me explain.

So i knew this guy a few years ago. Me=early twenties, him late twenties. He was already married like 5 or 6 years. His wife was no good. Well, that's easy for me to say. But she wasn't. I like sarcasm, but when it's mixed with condescension and judgement, it's just ugly.

She was one of the church ladies at one mostly lame church i attended. and she wasn't 62 years old and bitter, she was the new generation of church lady bitches for whom everyone has something flawed about them. The salt stain on the bottom of my skirt was one day that winter an unfortunate thing i let happen on the way to church, she said. i could not believe she said that out loud. I'm like, what is her concern, that i've ruined my skirt? Dishonoured Jesus? Offended the clean people? i couldn't get it. in the end, i just figured her for a bitch. she stood around after church eyeing everyone, waiting to see if something needs fixing. and when she helped out, it wasn't cuz you needed it, but because she needed to fix you. wow. i'm still angry about her.

But the funny thing is that i didn't know she was Phil's wife. "Phil" was in a christian club at UBC with me, which is where i saw him most compared to only sometimes at this church. he was one of the less hyper-evangelical ones in the club at UBC. he was more relaxed. he was also a bit of a flirt. and that was good. i had come out of my uptight virgin place. i still hadn't gotten into my bi-is-so-much-fun phase and i was freshly single after leaving a mostly loser guy. this was the guy who felt it would be a good sign of my love for him to let him fuck me up against the window of my dorm room. not that there's anything wrong with that, except for how that worked in our dynamic. i just checked the rest of my blog. i never wrote about him. there's something else for the list.

anyway, phil was a flirt and i liked him. his wife wasn't into the christian club. she didn't go to school. she was a dental assistant. she wasn't "gifted" in evangelism she said. that was so true. she was gifted in offending people. but as i said i didn't know she was his wife.

anyway, the Ridge bowling lanes in Vancouver are lotsa fun. there's a quiet side there with a just a few lanes that can be rented out nicely by a big enough but small group. our club went there on and off. and one night after the bowling, Phil and I just kept talking. We ended up at Benny's bagels chatting til midnight or so and in that time, he had pretty much described who he is and why his wife is not good for him and vice versa. and i totally believed him. and not just cuz i thought he was cute. and i've never had cause to disagree with my judgement that night.

so we went back to my dorm room and fucked. it was really nice. and very juicy, the good kind. and he went home and met me again after church the next day while his wife and her gaggle of grim gals went for lunch. we fucked some more and then the next sunday too.

and all the time, i was like, you are a great guy, why is your life so fucked up that you are sneaking around with me. and i told him this. and i said, i'm glad to fuck him to get him to see what kind of life he's in and what kind of life he should consider: the not being married kind. and not so he could be with me, because he was so damaged, but some people need to be PUSHED to make a decision. and he totally put me into his life so that i could push him. that's what i thought anyway. and i think i was right.

and as the school year was ending and i had drifted out of that club, i ran into him at the student union building. he still had a wedding ring and i pointed that out. he said he and his wife went to Keats Camp for a marriage encounter thing a few weeks after our affair. he didn't say if he told her about me and i didn't ask. and one off-hand remark about her at the end of our conversation about something she said at the church made me put 2+2=why the fuck did he ever marry her: it was something about jesus being a kind of orange blossom. she said it one sunday night when she was the MC hosting a night welcoming a missionary to the church. i was there. i heard it. i knew THAT ghoulish woman. and it turns out that when he said something like "that night when my wife was talking about jesus as the orange blossom..." it also occured to me that he thought that i had known all along who his wife was. i wish i did. i would have put even more effort into fucking him.

at any rate. that was him. sounds like he tried to get his marriage to work. i hope he eventually told her about his affair. and if not fine. i did find out the next year through the hushed scandal whispers of some girls from the UBC club i bumped into that he had gotten a divorce. they said it in the context of how it hampered his evangelical credibility. i fucking bet it did. :)

so i'm glad at least he got out of that deal.

so. adultery. not that i think it's all that awesome all the time. but it can certainly be the kind of flick to the head that people need to inspire them to look honestly at themselves and say wtf.

so he said wft. and i think i had a good part of that. yay me. and in the end if you are still 100% against adultery, i'd just like to say that there is black and white and grey and all the other colours of the rainbow. if you still think there is just black and white, i wanna say, why do you own a colour tv. get a grip.

in touch,


Anonymous said...

shit you know what i'm definitely one of those ppl. and i gotta tell you it kinda sucks. i find ppl in the black too much and it ruins relationships. hmmmm, you gotta tell me how you do it") don't get me wrong i can understand when ppl fuck up, and i'm realizing right now, it's just when they fuck up trying to lie about their fuck up that gets to me. i gotta ask, is that one of your grey areas?

i totally wish i didn't care, i feel life would be easier.


Anonymous said...

i don't always do it well. for sure.

i try to remember that i'm imperfect and i sin and jesus has a sense of that. i rise above it. i sin boldly. sometimes. other times i choose not to. other times i struggle with what's in the grey. the struggle matters. to not struggle means i've already struggled over it and made peace or i'm a sociopath. i'm not a sociopath.

i start with forgiveness then. i don't always do it, but i always try to. and when i try to i can often stop having such high expectations of folks. u know?

lying sucks. little good comes from them. even little white lies come back and hit you sometimes. you don't have to be brutal in your honesty [i know, i've given myself permission to indulge in that sometimes [that's just selfish]], but you can be honest with compassion. if you don't guilt will kill you and your relationships.

but then, i'm not honest with my family and friends from way back about who i am now. so there's an exception here: when it's safe to be honest.

if yer in a relationship where its not safe to be honest, you have to get out. thats why my family gets the odd post card. not uncle pete tho. i hide nothing from him. yay.

ya not caring makes life easier, but it's the road to being a sociopath.

is lying a grey area then? no.

in touch,