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Sunday, March 26, 2006

Christians Spanking

i know this is sex tips for christian girls, but i have to divert into a tangent from here it is.

less than 12 hours ago, someone posted a poll asking if it's ok to spank kids.

when i voted no, the results were 14 to 4 in favour of it.

i was shocked and i said so. loudly.

i also warned any men in that site who voted yes to never ever ever contact me. they would sicken me.

and then i did a google search and found a bunch of sites where folks were using the bible to justify spanking. i know that stuff is in there, but really, all i felt when i read their arguments is this: "how much of a sick fuck must you be to try to find justification in the bible to hit a child?"

here is one crazy site supporting hitting kids:

and here is

finally, i sometimes wonder why society thinks christians are nuts.

seeking justification in the bible to hit a child is a pretty good example of why christians [sometimes deservedly] get a bad name.

in touch,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna have to agree with you on this one Holly. If you just pay attention to them and punish them with just not liking what their doing, and I mean only at times when it's warranted that's the true test and the real ideals you want to instill in you children. Not picking up a stick and beating your kid, or torturing them in some way. Cause I seriously got tortured.
